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Kraków and surrounding area

Kraków and surrounding area

Mosty nad Wisłą w Karkowie
Zwiedzanie Krakowa na rowerze? Czemu nie! Kraków ma dobrze przygotowaną infrastrukturę rowerową. Plantami, bulwarami Wisły czy wąskimi uliczkami Starego Miasta bez problemu można dotrzeć na Wawel, do Nowej Huty, na Zakrzówek lub do Lasku Wolskiego.

You can get to Cracow by train from many Polish and European cities, and its airport in Balice operates flights of numerous airlines (you can get to the city centre by train). Cracow is also the starting point from which trains depart to other towns and cities in the region, including those which lie on VeloMałopolska (e.g. Zakopane, Nowy Targ, Nowy Sącz, Tarnów, Niepołomice). At Dworzec Główny w Krakowie (Cracow Main Station), at the end of the platforms (in the tunnel) there is a bicycle path which leads directly to the WTR (head for Rondo Mogilskie (Mogilskie Roundabout), then Rondo Grzegórzeckie (Grzegórzeckie Roundabout), and near Galeria Kazimierz turn onto the WTR).

Sights worth seeing

  • The city of Cracow - the first European city entered in the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List 

Among the many symbols of the city, one should mention the obwarzanek - a traditional bread roll. Every day Cracow vendors sell 150 thousand of these bread rolls.

Ścieżka rowerowa na bulwarach Wisły, w tle widać zamek

  • Wieliczka Salt Mine - entered in the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List 

Interesting fact: The size of one of the chambers in Wieliczka Salt Mine makes it possible to host unusual events: an underground bungee jump was organised here, and in 2000 a Guinness World Record was set here for an underground hot-air balloon flight.

  • The Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec - the oldest existing monastery in Poland
  • Kolna Whitewater Canoe Slalom Course - the only venue of this kind in Poland 

Bicycle trails

  • Greenways Amber Trail - the trail crosses VeloMałopolska routes several times (www.
  • Salina Cracoviensis - a 90-kilometre-long blue trail going across old salinas of Wieliczka and Bochnia

ścieżka rowerowa w tle zamek na zalesionej górze

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