Małopolska for everyone. Three natural attractions you will love

The Bobrowisko Nature Enclave surrounded by greenery, with blue skies and clouds above.
Małopolska is increasingly opening up to barrier-free tourism. The region's rich history, picturesque landscapes, and numerous monuments make it unique, and it is accessible to all. Local authorities and owners of tourist facilities are increasingly paying attention to the needs of people with reduced mobility, ensuring that visits are accessible and comfortable. Here are three natural attractions in Małopolska that are disability-friendly.

Bobrowisko Nature Enclave – a rarity in the Stary Sącz region

Bobrowisko is a wonderful tourist attraction that offers close contact with nature and is at the same time friendly for people with disabilities. Bobrowisko is a unique recreational and educational area located in the forks of the Dunajec and Poprad Rivers within the boundaries of Stary Sącz. It is a place where the natural habitat of beavers and other animal and plant species can be observed.

The main attractions of Bobrowisko are the wooden walking paths and viewing platforms, which allow you to enjoy nature close up without disturbing or intruding upon it. The route is about 400 metres long, and the wooden footbridges and paths have been designed to be wheelchair accessible.  It is a great place to relax, unwind and enjoy the wildlife.

Błędowska Desert – a trip to the Polish Sahara

The Błędowska Desert, often referred to as the ‘Polish Sahara’, is a unique natural area located on the border of the Silesian Upland and the Olkuska Upland. It is the largest desert area in Central Europe and offers one-of-a-kind landscapes and unique experiences. It covers an area of about 33 km², taking people into terrain similar to the desert areas of Africa or Asia. It is characterised by dunes, dry valleys, and very specific flora and fauna that have adapted to conditions that are not easy to live in.

In the Błędowska Desert several viewing points are fully adapted to the needs of people with disabilities. One of the most popular is the ‘Czubatka’ viewing point in Klucze, which offers panoramic views of the entire desert. Paved footpaths and driveways facilitate access.  The nature trails in the desert are also brilliantly landscaped. Adapted for wheelchair users, they take you through the most interesting areas of the desert, allowing you to observe the unique wildlife and learn about the history and geology of the place.

Prądnik Valley – the pearl of Ojców National Park

The Prądnik Valley, is located in the Ojców National Park – the smallest national park in Poland. It is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful karst valleys in Poland. It offers picturesque views, abounds in unique nature and is a great idea for a sightseeing trip from Kraków. Thanks to the ever-evolving tourist infrastructure, the Prądnik Valley is becoming increasingly accessible to people with disabilities.  A walk in the Prądnik Valley is a natural feast for the human soul.

The Prądnik River has carved a deep gorge in the limestone rocks in the valley, creating unusual rock formations, caves, and limestone buttresses. Along the valley are numerous monuments such as castles, churches, chapels and mills, making it endlessly explorable – you will always come across something wonderful! Walking paths and viewpoints provide relaxation and contact with nature, while numerous refreshment points allow you to sample the local cuisine. If you're looking for your most-liked place in Małopolska, the Prądnik Valley is a favourite!



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